Sunday, June 13, 2010


Yesterday was crazy. It was the Italian Independence Day! We went to a member's home for lunch.  It's been awhile since I've had a lunch appointment, so I forgot how much they feed you. I've come to the realization that all Italian women are excellent cooks, and they all cook enough so that double the amount of guests could eat well. I ate so much that I had to lie down for an hour. I can't believe how much food I ate. They also always say that you must not like the food because you didn't eat very much!! It's nuts.

Anyway, I'm sure you'll all interested to hear about the surprise visit from Michelle. Well, it was sure a surprise!!! I was totally shocked. She came over at 8 in the morning and rang the intercom. My companion answered, and I guess he thought it was really weird because some girl asked for "Ray Banks" in English. hahaha. As we took the elevator down we were both very confused. I got thinking about it, and I figured the only people that would randomly come visit me would be the Iversons. But then I thought to myself that someone would have told me something. As it turns out it was Michelle!! I'm not sure if this is the correct use of the term, but I was flabbergasted. I didn't even know how to react. The only thing I did right is I said we need to get a picture, and so she has one she took on her camera. The next thing I knew, she was gone and I was in the elevator going back up to the apartment!! I actually feel really bad because I didn't even offer her something to eat, or to show her someplace in Foggia, or anything. I think I only talked for just a minute because I was just so in shock. hahaha. It was pretty crazy. I wish she had come on another day, like P-day or something, because that day we had to go on a trip to San Severo.

Speaking of which, it's almost like I have two cities again! San Severo is a little city about an hour or so away from Foggia. There used to be a big branch there, but something happened (I'm not really sure exactly what) and the whole place got shut down. Now there are tons of less actives there, and we go once a week with Bishop to visit with lots of them. He wants to get the branch reopened there, and if we can get enough less actives going then it will be reopened!!

I'm getting a fair amount of traveling in nowadays. My district is now in Bari (2 hour train ride) and we go there every <onday for district meeting. It's pretty crazy. This last week I was really tired and used it as an opportunity to catch up on some sleep, but next week I'm going to use it more as an opportunity to do one of my favorite types of proselyting - train!

Somehow most of my English Course found immediatechinese! haha. They love it. They came to class telling me things like "Wo Wang Gee Luh" haha. They're so funny.

One interesting thing this last week is that people kept calling us their angels. In fact, three different people did. My MTC teacher had told me that people would, but it hadn't really ever happened until now. That was really cool.

Everything's going great here. On Sunday I taught the Gospel Principles class. It was about Talents. I love the new gospel principles manual. It's so easy to teach from!! Basically what I decided from the lesson is that I have lots of talents that I want to develop after my mission.

Next week is a very full week. We have Zone Conference, a baptism, and stake conference.

Be safe! Have a great week! I'll keep you in my prayers, if you'll keep me in yours! haha.


Anziano Banks!
