Saturday, April 23, 2011

No time!

My life is so busy, and wonderful.

This week we had a seventy here. His name was Elder Olsson. He is from Switzerland. I really enjoyed his talks. During all the meetings I translated from Italian to English for him, and then when he spoke there was an Italian RM that translated for him. Then we had a meeting for all the new converts, and I translated from English to Italian for him. I think I actually prefer doing that. It was really cool because I realized that I'm actually pretty good at translating.

Other news this week is that we are teaching the daughter of Giuseppe Belsito. If you remember he was basically the first investigator I ever had, and he got baptized last year. Now he is the Branch secretary and he has the Melchizedek Preisthood. He's a stud. I really hope that his daughter joins the church. She should in about a month.

I love being back in Cosenza.

I guess that's about it, because I have to go do some other things. I just want to bear you my testimony that I know that God loves each one of us. He wants to bless us, but He can't do it unless we obey the commandments. Just like any good father that gives good advice to his son, He knows what is best, but in the end we can choose what we do.
It's pretty awesome.

Thanks for all your support. I really appreciate it. I know that I have been really blessed to have a good family and good friends in my life. I hope that I can be a good help for you too.


Anziano Banks

P.S. My companion is awesome. He is from Argentina and he is in his third transfer. He laughs like crazy. haha. We're having a lot of fun together, and we're having a lot of success finding people to teach.

P.P.S. I’m finally able to start sending photos again! Here are some old ones from Gela.




Anziano Garvin is still on Malta. Poor guy.

At least they have a sweet candy bar there! hahaha.